What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic system of health & lifestyle, originated in India more than 5000 years ago. This science of living, as Ayurveda translates from Sanskrit (ayu means life and veda stands for knowledge) is still vastly used all around India and is also becoming more and more popular in western world. It is based on two principles. First and the main task is to maintain the health of a healthy person. Only after this comes the knowledge and techniques about curing the diseases when needed. It is very important to remember this sequence. Why? Because Ayurveda emphasizes the prevention of sickness as the most important aspect. If all the actions are done to avoid illness, there is no need to worry about how to cure it. Even after five millennia Ayurveda hasn’t lost its influence among all the theories and practices about staying healthy. It is a rare phenomenon that something does not lose its relevance for such a long time, so trust the miraculous power and efficiency of Ayurveda and give yourself the opportunity to explore the techniques that will allow you to always be healthy.

There are 8 well developed clinical branches of ayurveda. It’s a group of types of Ayurvedic therapies where each of them is responsible for different categories, starting from persons overall health to more specific categories such as, for example, surgery or pediatrics. In this course we are focusing on exploring the first branch of Ayurveda – kaya chikitsa which is focused on maintaining good overall health.

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Why is ayurveda important?

Applying ayurvedic principles in daily life helps to stay healthy. But not only physically - certain practices also help to maintain good both mental and emotional health. And there is no doubt that it is necessary to have both a healthy body and a healthy mind to live a happy and fulfilled life while having all the necessary energy and motivation to reach towards your goals and fulfill your dreams. With the help of Ayurveda you can learn how to take care of yourself and spend this short time here on planet Earth as happily and meaningfully as possible.

Relation between yoga & ayurveda

Many people think that yoga & ayurveda are two different subjects. But actually this knowledge works together. Yoga helps us to maintain our health with the help of asana, pranayama and meditation while ayurveda does it with the help of proper food habits and lifestyle.

About ayurveda course

Sri Yoga Ashram offers both online and offline one week Ayurveda courses in the guidance of the yogi Arpit Agarwal ji. He will be honored to guide you and be the light on the way to your overall well-being. Improve your knowledge, gain experience, introduce your daily schedule with special ayurvedic tips, hacks and practices and see how your life is changing in front of your eyes. Choose the path towards a happy and fulfilled life NOW.

What will you cover in the Ayurveda Course?

  • What is Ayurveda?
  • How to apply Ayurveda in daily life
  • Branches of Ayurveda
  • Health Definition according to ayurveda
    • Tridoshas
    • Vata
    • Pitta
    • Kapha
  • Qualities of tridoshas
  • Tridoshas effect on our daily life & body
  • Types of fire
  • Body Types (Prakriti) according to Ayurveda
  • Body tissues and waste products
  • 6 type of taste food
  • Effects of tridoshas on food
  • Dinacharya (Ayurvedic daily routine)
  • Ratricharya (Ayurvedic night routine)
  • Ritucharya (Ayurvedic seasonal routine)
    • Food habits & principals
    • Right amount of food
    • Ahara vidhi (regimen of diet)
    • Food type in different season
    • Wrong eating habit in present era
    • Eighteen types of Viruddha (opposites) food principles
    • Sattvic food (Yogic food)
    • Rajsic food
    • Tamsic food

6 Days Ayurveda Course Is Designed And Perfect For The Students who

  1. Are either have previous knowledge of ayurveda or not
  2. Wish to go through a deep and intense life changing experiences of lifestyle
  3. Are looking for a complete detoxification from their life through food and life routine
  4. Wish to get an experience to ancient Indian culture and its spiritual values

About the teacher: Arpit Agarwal

Arpit ji has more than ten years of experience teaching and practicing yoga, as well as master’s and bachelor’s degrees in yoga. He started his studies at the Bihar School of Yoga under Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, one of the most famous yoga schools in India and teaches based on the principles outlined in their books. Arpit has taught students from all over the world online and at various schools in Rishikesh, where he lives with his family. His knowledge of yoga and teaching is deep and benefits all his students. He knows which aspects of yoga to focus on for different disciplines, in a way that makes his teachings dynamic and tailored to both the topic at hand and his students.

About Ayurveda Class:

  • Course helping manual
  • A must Q&A session before and after the class
  • Each session is taught personally by Yogi Arpit Agrawal who has done Bachelor and Master degree in Yoga & naturopathy and has more than 10+ years’ experience of teaching.
  • Once you complete the Ayurveda Course with us, you will get Ayurveda course yoga alliance certificate.

Ayurveda online course

  • All classes will be live through zoom
  • 6 days course (Monday to Saturday)
  • Weekly class is of total 6 Hours (1 hour class everyday) or we you can choose Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
  • 6 hour theory class
  • Class time is different every week or you can request for a special time as per your schedule
  • Recording of each class for lifetime
  • Course fee 100 USD
  • Note: Fees will be Non-refundable but can be transferred in any upcoming course offered by us

Offline Course Details

  1. There will be total 5 classes everyday
  2. Ayurveda and hatha Yoga classes are mandatory
  3. You can also attend other classes like pranayama, meditation and other asana
  4. Total 6 hours Ayurveda (1 hour everyday)
  5. Total 9.5 Hours hatha yoga (1.5 hour everyday)
  6. Private or Twin Shared accommodation with attached bathroom
  7. Running hot water facility in bathroom
  8. Power Backup
  9. Three Satvik Vegetarian meals a day, two times tea
  10. 24 X 7 Wi-Fi Connectivity
  11. RO Purified Water (Hot & Cold Both)
  12. Course fees – 300 USD (shared accommodation) 350 Usd (private accommodation)

Registration Process

You can make online payment with the help of “ Wise” (International Payment transfer app) in this account.

  1. Name - Anahata creation
  2. Account No. - 1070102000012041
  3. IFSC - IBKL0001070
  4. Current account (Bussiness account)
  5. Recipient Address - - 165, behind police station, laxmanjula
  6. City - Rishikesh
  7. State - Uttarakhand
  8. Post code - 249302
  9. Email - arpitagarwal987@gmail.com
  10. If you need any help let me know